Celestine Crystal


Celestine is a beautiful and rare gemstone found at the bottom of the sea. It is a deep blue color with a hint of shimmer, and it has been known to have magical properties.

Celestine is believed to be a stone of spiritual growth and inner peace. It is said to bring clarity and focus to your spiritual journey, and it can help to enhance intuition and connection with the divine. The most common color of Celestine is a shimmering blue, but it also can come in shades of pink, purple, and green. It’s found in many places around the world, including the coasts of Italy, France, and Australia. 
Celestine is the perfect stone for anyone looking to deepen their spiritual connection and awaken their intuition. It’s a powerful stone of guidance, protection, and clarity. It can help to clear away any energetic blocks and open up your sense of creativity and inspiration.
Celestine is a beautiful and special gemstone that can help to bring clarity and peace to your spiritual journey. It comes in many stunning shades and can be found in many places around the world. Whether you’re looking to open up your intuition or simply enjoy the beauty of the stone, Celestine is a perfect choice.
Written by Elizabeth R
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