

If you’ve never heard of howolite, you’re in for a treat! Howolite is a beautiful and unique gemstone, found in a variety of colors and with a wide range of properties and uses.

Howolite is a variety of the mineral dolomite, and its name is derived from its discovery in the Howgill Fells in Cumbria, England. It is found in several different colors, including shades of green, brown, yellow, and white, and some specimens can be found with a unique patterning or banding. Howolite is relatively soft, with a Mohs hardness of 3.5-4.
But what makes howolite special? It is said to contain a powerful energy that can help connect the physical and spiritual realms. It is thought to encourage inner peace, clarity of thought, and the ability to express oneself. It can also promote self-reflection and personal growth.
Howolite is a popular choice for jewelry and decorative items, as it is a lovely and eye-catching gemstone. It can be cut and polished into a variety of shapes and sizes, allowing for endless possibilities. It can also be used in metaphysical practices, such as meditation and energy healing.
So, if you’re looking for a unique and beautiful gemstone with plenty of spiritual and creative potential, howolite is a great choice. Its colors are stunning, its properties are uplifting, and it can be used for a variety of purposes. Give howolite a try and see what amazing things you can discover!
Written by Elizabeth R.
Photo from 
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