How to Cleanse Crystals

How to Cleanse Crystals

Hello, crystal enthusiasts! Just as important as charging your crystals is keeping them clean and free of negative energy. Crystals can absorb various energies, such as stress, anxiety, and even physical debris, which can affect their ability to function at their best. Here are some simple ways to keep your crystals clean:

1. Salt water: One of the most popular ways to cleanse crystals is to immerse them in salt water. Salt is a natural purifier, and the water helps to remove any surface dirt. However, be careful with porous stones like selenite, as the salt can damage them over time.

2. Sunlight/Moonlight: As mentioned in the charging post, leaving your crystals outside in the sun or moonlight is also an effective cleansing method. This can be beneficial for all types of crystals, as long as they are not prone to fading or being damaged by sunlight.

3. Smoke: Burning sage or palo santo and passing your crystals through the smoke can help to clear them of unwanted energy. Smudging is a traditional cleansing practice that has been used for centuries by different cultures.

4. Sound: Using sound vibrations to cleanse your crystals is another option. You can use a crystal singing bowl or tuning fork that resonates with the crystal's energy to clear any negative energy inside the crystal.

5. Intentions: Finally, setting an intention to cleanse your crystals through your thoughts and focus can help to clear them of any negative energy.

It is important to regularly clean your crystals, especially after they have been used for healing or energy work. Cleansing not only purifies the crystal but also clears the energy around you, creating a positive and harmonious environment.

Written by Elizabeth R
Last edited March 19, 2023
Photo by Sarah Brown on Unsplash
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